Amnesty campaign /Little by little #humanrights
Amnesty int by the Pickles  Aironair agency
Photo by The pickles Styling Belinda Cordier
Amnesty int by the Pickles
Amnesty Campaign by the Pickles
Amnesty int by the Pickles
Amnesty Campaign by the pickles

Je suis fière de partager avec vous la campagne Amnesty international sur laquelle j’ai travaillé pour le stylisme avec The Pickles et l’agence Aironair à Bruxelles. J’ai adoré contribuer a cette cause et m’inspirer du look de ces trois grand hommes qui me sont chers.

Pour voir plus de campagnes et mon travail  c’est ici

« All the big Human rights defenders used to be little once », I really enjoyed to work with The Pickles team on this project. Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela what an inspiring mood board to work on ! I’m very proud to have been a part on this project for the styling.

More about the campaign on ,

Photographed by The pickles, Styling Belinda Cordier, special effect and grooming :Brigitte Petit agency Aironair, CD:  Marie-Laure Cliquennois, Grégory Ginterdaele, AD : Sebastien Verliefde. Special thanks for little Ghandi’s glasses to maison Bodart who were going throught their archives for us, also to Cesar & Joseph kids brand to made to measure the wax amazing shirt for the shooting and my yoga teacher Eric Rozen ( also an hipstamatic artist and addicted ) who give me smart advice for the dhoti outfit of Ghandi.

« Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times i fell down and go back up again  » Nelson Mandela

To see more on my styling work

Speak to you soon.

Belinda Cordier