Welcome to my new website .

I have been working in fashion and photography for over 25 years.
I studied art & styling and started my career working as a designer in the late eighties.
Later on, I became a fashion stylist, which brought me into contact with many interesting people. I’ve worked on editorials as a fashion editor, I’ve worked for advertising catalogues, TV productions and films.
I have gained a lot of experience from working with different clients, awesome artists, and agencies from all over the world. What I have always enjoyed most, though, is to work in a team and to witness the creative force that arises through teamwork.
I founded C’est chic agency in 2001, mainly because I wanted to share my experience and my passion.
From 2014 onwards, I want to be more flexible than working in an office and Focus on two things :
Art buying and production: I love bringing a team together, finding the perfect match of artists for a shooting production, or assembling a make-up team or stylist team for fashion shows or events. You ‘ll see more of art Buying and productions work on C’est Chic agency site soon.

Fashion & style: Fashion & Style have always be my passion, even in a bad day, to discover new style or clothes wake me up. I’ve been always close from Belgium Designers and up-coming  fashion talents. People and art inspire me. Since a few year, i’m also involved and engaged in fashion ethic as well.

Speak to you soon!

Belinda Cordier .